
Title: System: Galaxy

Year: 2022

Size: 40”x42”x32”

Medium: Steel flat bars, steel round rods, Ribbon, LED lights

Description: My artwork delves into the intricacies of systems, capturing the essence of a system as an amalgamation of interconnected elements. Comprising over 30 discrete metal components, it meticulously constructs a galaxy system. The project unfolds across four distinct segments, each representing a cardinal direction of the sky – north, west, east, and south. Within this cosmic assembly, the silver components assume the role of constellations, meticulously placed according to their positions on the celestial map. The interplay of these elements mirrors the harmonious yet intricate relationships characteristic of systems in the natural world. To imbue the artwork with celestial dynamism, LED lights and ribbons take center stage, evoking the ethereal beauty of nebulas and stars. The marriage of light and materiality creates a vivid representation of the cosmos, bridging the tangible and the intangible.