
Title: Coffee Intro

Year: 2023

Size: 1920 Pixels x 1080 Pixels

Medium: Digital

Description: As the animator behind the introduction animation for the documentary "The Future of Coffee," directed by Professor Kevin Anderson, I delved into the project with artistic fervor. My role in this documentary team involved crafting an animation that harmoniously complemented the original music composed by a fellow team member dedicated to the documentary's auditory dimension. Centered on a distinctive concept, my animation ingeniously reverses the conventional coffee-making process, capturing its essence through an ink-style aesthetic. With a restricted color palette, I harnessed shades that evoke the essence of coffee, creating a visual experience that resonates with the subject matter. For further insights into the documentary, I invite you to engage with our official Instagram account (@futureofcoffeefilm) or the official website (, where the culmination of our creative efforts converges to illuminate the captivating journey of "The Future of Coffee."